Looking for some tips and strategies for maintaining a vacation home in Delray Beach so you can enjoy your time away without worrying about the upkeep of your property?
Then you are in the right place!
Hire Estate Management Services
Boasting a beautiful coastline, thriving nightlife, and a vibrant arts scene, it is no wonder that Delray Beach is a popular vacation destination for people from all over the world. Many individuals choose to purchase a vacation house in Delray Beach to escape the tensions of everyday life and enjoy a relaxing getaway.
However, the set of responsibilities that comes with owning a second home can quickly shatter that serenity! From finding a dependable cleaning service to dealing with insect infestations from afar, maintaining a home-away-from-home can be quite stressful. Regardless of how contemporary and well-maintained your vacation home is, there will inevitably be some tasks that need to be attended to while you are not present.
For the ultimate peace of mind, hiring an estate management services company ensures that your property is kept in tip-top condition all year round.
Bonus: The Florida Estate Management Services team of experts has 150 years of combined experience in the property management industries. This is part of the reason we are recognized as market leaders in the estate management business.

Swimming pool in tropical garden pool villa feature floating balloon
Set up a Schedule for the Company
Regularly performing proactive maintenance tasks helps to extend the lifespan of the primary systems in your vacation home, and it can also help identify potential problems before they escalate. Prioritizing preventative maintenance, such as servicing your HVAC unit, appliance inspections, and pool cleaning forms part of the essential services we provide to ensure that your property is well-cared for.
Setting up a schedule and maintenance checklist with your estate management services provider reassures you that your property is being consistently and effectively serviced. It also helps you plan ahead for any necessary repairs or upgrades.
Bonus: We use technology to email you a real-time report that is both date and time stamped laying out all completed services and accompanied with pictures of your home.
Invest in a Security System
Installing a security system in your vacation home can provide you with a sense of security and comfort, knowing that your property is being monitored and protected even when you’re not there.
Wi-Fi-enabled security cameras allow you to monitor your property, while smart lighting apps enable you to program the lights to turn on at different times, creating the impression that your residence is occupied.
Additionally, various smart home gadgets can notify you of potential maintenance problems, such as malfunctioning HVAC systems or water leaks.
Bonus: The FEMS team increases the level of security at your home by clearing mail and forwarding it weekly or upon request, providing interior access to vendors as per your instructions, and guaranteeing emergency contact upon any alarm activation.
Consider Renting the Property Out Short-Term
When a property is left vacant for long periods, issues such as pest infestations, mold growth, or leaks can arise. These problems can be mitigated through occupancy – regularly using appliances and the heating, cooling, and water systems, keeping the property ventilated and free from stagnation.
Delray Beach is a highly desirable vacation destination, and the demand for vacation homes to rent in the area is consistently high throughout the year. The city also hosts several annual events and festivals, which attract a large number of visitors each year. Many property owners therefore rent out their homes to help reduce the maintenance required due to disuse.
Bonus: While FEMS doesn’t manage the rental of vacation properties, our knowledge of local businesses may be of assistance to you.
Let us make maintaining a vacation home in Delray Beach easier for you! Get in touch with Florida Estate Management Services today to find out more.